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6/16/2010 1:40 pm  #1

Anyone else think SSAA Is a great association??

I REALLY REALLY like this association I hope they start doing more tourneys and such...

Bats Of Choice
U-Trip Bj Fulk 2010 26oz

6/17/2010 12:24 pm  #2

Re: Anyone else think SSAA Is a great association??

never played....what's it like?


6/17/2010 9:11 pm  #3

Re: Anyone else think SSAA Is a great association??

Umm Its basically Like SNA.. Any bats are aloud except the Ultras and some senior bats.. its a pretty wide open association which I Like for MENS ball..

Bats Of Choice
U-Trip Bj Fulk 2010 26oz
     Thread Starter

6/18/2010 10:53 am  #4

Re: Anyone else think SSAA Is a great association??

sounds like it would be fun to play in, where's it mostly played at(area wise)?


6/18/2010 11:05 am  #5

Re: Anyone else think SSAA Is a great association??

nevermind ^^^^^ post.........looked it up but it looked like no mikens are that correct?


6/20/2010 10:46 am  #6

Re: Anyone else think SSAA Is a great association??

they are allowed but they dont allow the ultras or seniors


6/20/2010 1:13 pm  #7

Re: Anyone else think SSAA Is a great association??

Alot in the Chesterfield area.. CLosest to me.. Look it up on yahoo.. its only played in southern states

Bats Of Choice
U-Trip Bj Fulk 2010 26oz
     Thread Starter

6/21/2010 10:35 am  #8

Re: Anyone else think SSAA Is a great association??

havoc379 wrote:

they are allowed but they dont allow the ultras or seniors

thanks for the info,just wanted to check and make sure


1/05/2023 1:02 pm  #9

Re: Anyone else think SSAA Is a great association??

Oh man... I might have to check this out I've heard of it but I never looked into it. I love Super Meat Boy, though, and if it's at all like Zelda like someone else said, I think we have a winner.


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