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5/28/2010 10:53 am  #1

Beast of the East??

Who is going to win this thing??
Some one from in state.. or the outta stater going to take it?

Bats Of Choice
U-Trip Bj Fulk 2010 26oz

5/30/2010 5:04 pm  #2

Re: Beast of the East??

Any updates on this? Gold SIlver Bronze?

Bats Of Choice
U-Trip Bj Fulk 2010 26oz
     Thread Starter

5/31/2010 7:35 pm  #3

Re: Beast of the East??

guardian angels won the bronze with zeno's coming in second.


5/31/2010 7:37 pm  #4

Re: Beast of the East??

elite east coast  won gold with va. select coming in second.


5/31/2010 8:22 pm  #5

Re: Beast of the East??

I heard VA Select Was undefeated until this tourney I guess??

Bats Of Choice
U-Trip Bj Fulk 2010 26oz
     Thread Starter

6/06/2010 11:24 am  #6

Re: Beast of the East??

b & k softball won the silver...the rockies made a serious run and finished fourth.


3/02/2022 8:55 pm  #7

Re: Beast of the East??

Okay, so what is it, really?
Alena at this time opened the chest of drawers, took out a skirt, a topic and handed them to me. I turned them over in my hands trying to figure out where the front was and helped her change. By this time, she was already smiling at someone behind my back.
Slava quickly called Ivan back to tell him the good news:
The girls threw me on the bed and gave me a double blowjob first, and then they began to take turns sitting on my stake, and with moaning and caressing each other. Either one sits on me, and the other caresses her sister with her fingers, then the other. And in the end, Inna, riding on me, began to cheer:
Tanya and I have been married for the third year, we don’t have any small ones yet, something is not tied up. A couple of months ago, an event occurred that seriously complicated my life with my wife. I picked up a gonorrhea on a business trip. It’s good that it still turned out there, I started treatment there, otherwise I would have infected my wife, then it’s generally a pipets. Tatyana freaked out, she told her mother everything. I thought they would kick me out of the house, but nothing happened.
That means how, and the second time I enjoyed it. She just stood there, frozen as I cuddled up. They waited until the member, having fallen, fell out of the pussy itself, sliding over the clitoris. Wet, wrinkled, a happy boy hung in front of Galina Semyonovna, and she wiped him with paper napkins, even kissed him several times on the head, peeling off the skin. She straightened her dress and went to the bathhouse.
Sasha took his dick out of Verena's hand and then began to drive it right over her lips, no longer covered by panties. I poured water into a glass from which I drank, went up and gave it to Vera in my free hand.


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